Mankomistro Mithistomia 2024

The Mankomistro Mithistomia inaugural meeting was held in the spring of 2024 at the Ideosemada Center in Kefliconia.

Mankomistro Mististomia 2024 Keynote Speaker Suna Khunt Image

The keynote speaker – Suna Khunt – started the proceedings by outlining the agenda for the two days and followed with a short presentation.

Setting the scene he spoke about the perceived laissez-faire attitude to security and the risk management associated with the rapid development and self-evolution of artificial intelligence and artificial generative intelligence.

He outlined how a new way of thinking offered a possible solution.

Suna acknowledged it was a departure from the “trust” models developed in the information security field alongside the widespread use of computing and the internet connectivity in the 20th century.

He went on to describe “mankomistro” – or “lack of trust” – as being a new mindset.

With it becoming increasingly difficult to discern reality from fiction, and in the face of covert censorship and globalist idealism – it was not unreasonable to start by mistrusting that which was presented to the individual.

The scope to which mankomistro would apply being anything outside their immediate physical surroundings where a human’s five primary senses could be relied upon.

At its core mankomistro involved humans questioning the information they were presented with and challenging:-

“how little can I mistrust what I am being presented with”.

Cognisant of other speakers’ topics he concluded the formal part of his presentation by thanking the Global Research Institute of Technology and Innovation (GRITI) for organising the event and the volunteers from the Central Office For The Verification of Independent Ideas (COFTVOI).

Mankomistro Mististomia 2024 Speakers

Before handing over to the first speaker he spoke in a personal capacity and said he was looking forward to chatting with attendees during the evening’s dinner at the Café Opner and later at the Bar D’Attropiation.