komplekrap and the Komplekrapager machine
Long before artificial intelligence and the web provided mankind with relatively easy generation and distribution of rubbish content – there was the Komplekrapager machine.
Mankind had up until this invention had relied on professional printers who were prepared to set up there presses to produce total bullshit.
Some of this reluctance was, historically, born of “bulls” (as in papal bulls) and the sway that religious businesses held in the conscience of a large section of the public.
Hand printing pamphlets and flyers was a long and tedious process and severely limited the audience who could be reached.
The Komplekrager changed that and provided for an automated means to create and print large quantities of bullshit articles.
Distribution did, however, remain a limitation.
It was not until the advent of radio, films and cinema that the distribution of propaganda was made possible.
The widespread use of these communication channels spelt the end of the Komplekrapager machine.
In its brief life the Komplekrapger helped influence the perceptions of many people – whether that was in the guise of humour, half-truths, mis/dis/ information or outright lies.
It helped pave the way for the 20th century’s path from news, to spin and, ultimately, to the lies that pervade the 21st century.
Editor / Reader notes.
The contents of this page are an example of mithistomia, polyonoms and was produced under “mimicalism license” (a form of poetic license). It is intended for an open-minded audience who appreciate the place that satire, wit and humour play in mankind’s creative endeavours.