
“Kompledregger” “The” Cockatail For 2024! Www.opner.com Kompledregger Linker Image

The Kompledregger was inspired by the company of friends who were experimenting with creating new cocktails.

This was in preparation for the forthcoming holiday season and they were looking to offer something different to their competitors and returning holidaymakers.

New stock for the season was on order but had yet to be delivered.

The experimental cocktails used what was immediately available and readily to hand.  Including the last drops of several bottles and cartons.

These included various alcoholic, non-alcoholic ingredients, fruit and assorted stirrers, straws etc.

Thoughts turned to new names for the creations.

“Well what about something that reflects what we’ve just done?”

“Making  a complete drink made of what’s to hand, the last contents of what would otherwise remain unused.”

A quick check on the web to see if the name was already being used – suggested it wasn’t ↓

Kompledregger Search Egnine Nil Result 5th May 2024 Image

That’s one story of how the “Kompledregger” came to be…

“Kompledregger” “The” Cockatail For 2024! Www.opner.com Kompledregger Linker Image

 update : This is backdated entry for a polybetanom on opner.com

Attropiation URL = https://lnkto.it/polybetanom